The Worst foods for Colitis
Constant colon inflammation is a symptom of colitis, a type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) similar to crohn’s disease. There are two main types of colitis: ulcerative colitis and proctitis. If you have colitis or Crohn’s, it’s important to identify what triggers your symptoms and manage or avoid them accordingly, as well as adhere to doctor prescribed medications and treatments like stelara, entyvio, and simponi. Here are some common foods to avoid with colitis: 1. Dairy products Dairy from animal sources—like butter, cream, milk, and icecream—can be difficult to digest because of their high lactose content. People with IBD may also have trouble breaking them down because of an autoimmune response that attacks the lining of the intestine. You can test for dairy sensitivity by removing these products from your diet and seeing if your symptoms improve. If you notice a significant reduction in your symptoms, you’ll likely need to eliminate dairy from your diet completely. 2. Corn It is one of the most common irritants for those suffering from colitis. It is difficult to digest and may be contaminated with mycotoxins, fungi that can cause inflammation in the digestive tract. If you have IBD, you may benefit from a low-FODMAP diet that eliminates it and other high-FODMAP foods.